Wellness Committee

The Wellness Committee

The Maritime Academy of Toledo believes that children and teens who begin each day as healthy individuals can learn more and are more likely to complete their formal education.  We also believe that a healthy staff can more effectively perform their assigned duties and model appropriate wellness behaviors for students.  Our Wellness Committee & Wellness Policy encourage a holistic approach to student wellness.

The Wellness Committee consists of the following members:

  • Aaron Lusk (School Superintendent)
  • Nurse Erin (School Nurse)
  • Prissy Roman (Parent Liason)
  • Stephanie Dixon (FLP Coordinator)
  • Students
  • Parents
  • Community Members

The school's Wellness Policy is part of our greater Policies & Procedures Manual and can be found by clicking HERE
The committee will next meet:

  • When:  4th Wednesday of each month
  • Where:  Meetings will be on zoom
The Maritime Academy of Toledo Health and Wellness Plan

Many schools and districts across Ohio found innovative and effective ways to provide whole child supports, including mental and behavioral health care services, to children using Student Wellness and Success Funds in the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years. Ohio House Bill 110 continues to support these services with the Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Base Cost Student Wellness and Success Component.  The adoption of the new school funding formula incorporates the Student Wellness and Success funding provided in previous years into the formula restricting a portion of the funding that schools and districts will receive for this critical work. Ohio law directs where and how this funding can be spent.  

Over the next two years, many schools will have three separate funding streams available to provide student wellness activities. Those three funding sources include: Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid, Base Cost Student Wellness and Success Component and remaining funds from Student Wellness and Success distributed during FY20 and FY21. 

Click here to view the 2023-2024 Health and Wellness Plan

The Maritime Academy of Toledo Funding Amounts:

Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid: $147,431.15

FY22 Student Wellness $97,175.42

Remaining from FY20 & FY21: $59,535.56